Hello! I'm Lindsey Richards..
Here's a little bit about who I am as a person and an artist. Since elementary school, I discovered that my interest for creating art expanded more than just the art classes we were required to take at school. I was able to connect with art, becoming more passionate. Although I’m an athlete, I have a huge personality of an artist. I find art in everything and anywhere. Whether it's visual or performing arts, I find myself moved by any piece of art. When I created my own studio space at home, I worked all the time. It took practice but I was able to see things differently than others. I analyze my subject manner, the proportion, color and movement of my art. Currently I’m in Advanced 2D Studio, Intro to Pottery and just completed an Advanced Graphic Design, and Sculpture and Figure class.
For me, art is therapeutic and a form of expression. My work is a reflection of my memories mainly. I’m looking forward to broadening and reaching new styles of art I normally haven’t done before in the future. I’m interested in painting emotions and incorporating deeper, more mature subject matter. I'm confident in my passion and dedication to exceed the expectations.
My favorite style of art is Impressionism, and the art movements in francophone art history/culture. One of my favorite painters from this movement is a French Artist, Edgar Degas. His work mainly depicts dancers from a point of view that indicates someone peering into a room where they aren’t supposed to be. Although he is considered an Impressionist artist, he doesn't use a lot of the typical subject matter the impressionist painters were focusing on. Another painter I admire is Pierre-Auguste Renoir. My favorite painting by Renoir is the “Luncheon of the Boating Party”, the subject matter being of a “fleeting moment.” Renoir captures this scene that will never look exactly the same again. My favorite artists inspire me to create more advanced work, and to step out my comfort zone, trying new styles of art. My grandfather was an amazing artist, and painting keeps us connected somehow. I got my talent from him and he is a big reason I love art so much. He liked to paint scenery and landscapes he thought of in dream, as well as drawing animals in nature.
In pursuing a career in art, my friends and family have been overwhelmingly supportive of my path. Without them I would not be living my best life today.